Week 04 | Reflection

Michaela Mc
Nov 8, 2020


It is very interesting to know that as a designer, there may be functions you want to implement. But it may not be feasible. The challenge is how to compromise & address which ones are priority.

Seamlessly switching content, among the other functions we addressed, is important. It only became clearer after the project progressed that it was in fact quite challenging.

I have since search on boards to see if this problem has been solved, of course some have creatively found a similar way around this by sharing their screen, but this we learned from user testing, raised too many concerns.

Going Forward
I would like to stick to one operating system from the beginning next time to research, prototype & test on. You cannot do the same usability testing on both. Again, I am glad this happened early on. Next time we can agree early on which operating system we are designing for.

I have learnt many different methods on how to evaluate ideas & designs. Mainly, I have learnt to ask ‘Why’. Sometimes you may loose track of why you doing something, you forget the original goal. Asking why allows you to stop for a second and then to look back with fresh eyes.

As a designer you can get stuck in attractive fads & trends. Asking why can break you from this mould & remember that you are designing an experience for someone, you remember who you are designing for. And why you are designing for them.

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