Week 04 | Analysis & Evaluation

Michaela Mc
4 min readNov 7, 2020


Last week we completed usability testing. This week we are creating & evaluation our final prototype.

The Final Prototype
See our final design here. The user could now chose their view, select multiple files to present & do so without disrupting the presentation, repositioning these to suit them and view a large proportion of the participants. We introduced some tool tips for guidance & a confirmation dialogue box when you switch sharing content- so you, the user stay in control. A video of the final prototype can be viewed here.

Main functions
Seamlessly switching content with tabs
We moved elements of the Teams interface to the ‘More’ icon. This was based on our users reacting better to the minimal interface, which also answers Heuristic #08: Aesthetic & minimal design. Current users of Teams expressed interest in sharing multiple files & switching seamlessly through them during a call. Our user testing showed us this was a useful function, we implemented the process differently in all 3 prototypes and came to our final decision which was via tabs.

Prototype 01 & Prototype 02 we tried to solve the problem in different ways, neither reach our goal. We now introduced Tabs. Tabs are familiar to the user (Heuristic #02 Match system & real world) They allow the user to seamlessly switch between content.

Fig 01 | Select multiple content

The user can first select more than one piece of content. These then appear in your sharing screen as ‘Tabs’. A highlighted tab means that is active. You can switch content by selecting another.

The user may “Quick Add’ by pressing the Plus on the next tab. This solves heuristic evolution #07: Flexibility & efficiency of use.

We implemented a confirm button to prevent accidentally sharing incorrect files. This concern was raised in each round of user testing. This also solves heuristic evolution #03: User control and freedom.

Fig 01 | Tabs
Fig 02 | Quick Add

Adjustable Windows
Another function to solve heuristic evolution #07. The adjustable windows answer our User Need Statement & gives Orla flexibility when giving her presentation.

Fig 03 | Adjustable Windows

Tool tips
User testing revealed tool tips allowed them to make choices with confidence. This solves heuristic evaluation #10: Help and documentation.

Fig 04 | The main functions altogether of our final prototype

Design process, planning & management
Our iterative design process began with research, learning about the users, then defining the problem then exploring possible concepts & brainstorming. We prototyped with many iterations & always referred back to the problem. Analysing our decisions with our user need statement to ensure we are reaching our goal.

Fig 05 | Our design process

Our small team used a scrum project management methodology. This allowed us to have many iterations & revisions on a short time frame with scrum sprint meetings where we discussed a handful of tasks then reflected on results, and then decided what to work on. As there was just two of us, we both acted on the same role.

Nielsen, J. (1995). 10 Heuristics for User Interface Design. Retrieved from https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/
Hackos, J. and Redish, J. User and Task Analysis for Interface Design. Retrieved from https://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/methods/task-analysis.html
Oz. (2020). UX Design Processes. Retrieved October 31, 2020, from https://www.uxbeginner.com/ux-design-processes/
7 Popular Project Management Methodologies and Frameworks Explained”. (2020, October 6). Retrieved October 31, 2020, from

Iterations can be seen here.
Prototypes can be seen here.

